The Foundation emerged as a natural outgrowth from Down North Pizza in recognizing that more work needs to be done to support the Philadelphia community impacted by the criminal legal system. We established four initiatives to fulfill our mission in reconstructing relationships, culture, and places to create resilient communities. These initiatives not only help us build a world beyond policing and incarceration; they also help us actively counteract the impact of the criminal legal system, a significant obstacle to realizing the full health and well-being of Black communities.

With your generous support, you honor us, the Foundation's mission, and the places and people whose lives we center and seek to transform. You are a key partner in our efforts just as our community partners are.

We invite you to support our work here. Purchasing merchandise from Down North Pizza is another way to support our work. The Down North Foundation receives 100% of the proceeds from your support.

Thank You to Our Supporters